The shot to shot flowmeter for measuring the instantaneous flow of very large volumes and the injection rate.
The IFR 6000-40000 (Injection Flow and Rate) flowmeter is dedicated to measure the instantaneous flow of large and very large injection volumes. In addition to the volumes or masses injected, it provides the injection rate in real time. It can be used to control the high-energy systems fitted to modern petrol or diesel engines, as well as those fitted to boats, trains, etc.
It is the ideal flowmeter for Research and Development or injector production applications, as it provides a highly detailed analysis of the injector.
Areas of application
- Trains
- Boats
- Generator sets
- Thermal power stations

This instantaneous mass flow meter lets you measure up to 10 injections per revolution.
Only one device is needed to measure the quantity injected and the injection rate simultaneously..
It provides ultra-fast, accurate measurements of all injection parameters per revolution: injection quantity, injection rate and open/close delay.
The IFR 6000-40000 flow meter gives instantaneous, minimum, maximum and standard deviation measurements of all the parameters you need.
Composition of the IFR 40000 flowmeter
- A mechanics integrating mass, volume, pressure and temperature measurements.
- An electronic unit that manages the measurement cycle and performs all the calculations at each revolution.
- xIFR software (for Windows)
- Two 8-metre cables.
- An Ethernet link for connection to the PC
xIFR is a supervision interface between the user and the measuring device This software runs under the Windows ® operating system and uses an Ethernet link.

Technical specifications
- Total volume injected per cycle: From 0 to 6000 mm3 by direct measurement and by extrapolation up to 25000 mm³ and 40000 mm³ (after 15 minutes of thermal stabilization, calibration carried out on an average of 1000 counts against a balance).
- Measurement accuracy: 2 mg/shot from 0 to 1000 mg, 3 mg/shot from 1000 to 5000 mg, 0.3 % above that.
- Injection opening delay: Accuracy: 0.1 μs
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