IFR 1500-6000 instantaneous flowmeter

The step-by-step flowmeter for the instantaneous flow measurement and the injection rate.

The latest in our range of flowmeters, the IFR 1500-6000 model allows the measurement of injected volumes or mass but also the step-by-step injection rate. It is used to control diesel, kerosene, and heavy fuel oil engines.

Due to its very compact design, this flowmeter can be very easily integrated into a study bench or a 6 or 12-way production bench (mounting under the cylinder head possible).

In Research or Development or for production applications of injectors for trucks, boats, construction machine or trains, it provides a very detailed analysisof the injector (opening or closing time, start and length of injection, opening and closing speed of the injector).

Application areas

  • Truck
  • Boats
  • Train
  • Construction machine

Quick setup

A mechanics with electrical and hydraulic connections gathered at the back of the flowmeter, 2 electrical cables and a controller to be installed



Reduced size (383 x 266 x 701 mm), possibility of installing 6 IFR under a cylinder head.



Very accurate measurements of the injected quantity and of the injection rate at each revolution up to 0.5 mg of precision and 1 µs of discrimination


A single equipment for a very detailed analysis of the injection with measurement of the quantity and the injection rate. Instantaneous values, minimum, maximum, standard deviation…

The highlights of the IFR 1500-6000 instantanous flowmeter


Real time measurements updated with each injection allowing to follow with extreme precision the evolutions of all the injection parameters and to deliver representative statistical results.


Instantaneous flow measurement up to 10 injections / revolution.


Real-time display of the injection rate curve


Several automatic and manual cursors for detailed temporal and mass analysis.


Measures largely independent of pressures, quantities, and timing of injections.


Adjustable back pressurefrom 10 to 200 bar without external equipment. Back pressure generated by the injector.


Configurable measurement window from 90 to 270 ° pump(180 ° to 540 ° motor).


Pump speed range from 30 to 3000 rpm (0,5 Hz to 50 Hz).


Solid measurement stability in transients and low hysteresis.


Full integrated injector pilot generator (1 to 10 injections per revolution, ramps, etc.).


Automatic analysis of very effective injections (separation of a very small injection close to a large injection, discrimination of pre- and post-injections).

Composition of the IFR 1500-6000 instantaneous flowmeter

Compact ready-to-use set consisting of the following:

  • Electronics managing the measurement cycle and carrying out all the calculations at each turn.
  • Une rack électronique gérant le cycle de mesure et réalisant l’ensemble des calculs à chaque tour.
  • Two 8 meter cables.
  • An Ethernet link for connection to the PC
  • xIFR software (for Windows)
IFR electronic rack
xIFR software

Dedicated software

xIFR is a supervision interface between the user and the measuring device. This software runs under the Windows ® operating system and uses an Ethernet link.

Technical specifications of the instantaneous flowmeter

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