

Qualification of Common Rail injectors Qualification of new and used gas, gasoline and diesel injectors EFS has been an expert in testing injection systems for internal combustion engines for over 35 years, and now has more than 80 test benches installed worldwide Its...
Single or multi-channel production test bench

Single or multi-channel production test bench

SINGLE OR MULTI-CHANNEL PRODUCTION TEST BENCH Production of gasoline, diesel or ethanol injectors The production test benches enable automated test cycles to be reproduced for each type of injector to be produced. During this cycle, all the measurements qualifying the...
APC angular pulse converter

APC angular pulse converter

APC, synchronization signal generator APC – ANGULAR PULSE CONVERTER   The APC (Angular Pulse Converter) rack is designed to generate the synchronization signals present on the various components of an engine (CAM and CRANK signals), as well as the signals...